Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Become Involved

In relation to what Charisma recently posted about the Kony video (which I assume everyone knows about by now) I reflected how little I know about the international community.  I feel like majority of U.S. citizens are not fully aware of many horrific incidents that happen in different countries.  Most people have the notion that if it does not affect me why should I care?  I can say I have been guilty of this ideal and it is something I would like to change and encourage many other people to change.  We live in a global community and we should care when a fellow human is being wrongly mistreated.  We need to support fellow humans because it is morally right.  We are blessed to live in a beautiful country and take that for granted.  We need to come to the aid of fellow brothers and sisters.  
There are several things that I feel could be changed with our society that could help draw attention to awful incidents throughout the world.  There are events going throughout the world that are morally wrong and little attention is brought to them.  The news has become rating driven and they have forgotten their duty to bring people the news.  Instead of covering more newsworthy material they are more concerned with entertaining the viewer.  This is wrong on both parties.  Viewers should want to be informed of affairs throughout the world and the news companies should give the people the news they deserve.  Also, people need to be more active with the news.  People need to sit down and watch the news or read the newspaper and become aware of events throughout the world.  A more engaged and informed population can only lead to positive outcomes for civil engagement.  It will bring attention to issues that need to be addressed immediately instead of decades later.  The Kony video brought attention to horrific violence in Uganda that had been going on for decades.  We as a society need to become more involved in the world community to lead to a better world.      

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your entry! Funny enough, I wrote about a similar topic for my own RCL blog this week. I do believe that as citizens, especially as Americans who have been afforded so many opportunities, we should be willing to help others in any way we can. We do tend to take so many things for granted and since that has become such a staple in our culture, I don't even think we realize it anymore. My question to you though is how do you think we should go about helping other countries? Also, what about the problems that our own people are facing? Should we ignore their problems because there are others in the world who might need more help or might have more serious problems?
