As I aimlessly surf channels on my TV on another mundane
afternoon wondering what I should write about I stop on the show Friends. I have never really watched it but a lot of
my friends love it and since there is nothing else on I decide to give it a
chance. In this episode one character
judges a person based on their first impression and gets a negative impression
of them. Like every sitcom the judgment
turns out to be 100% wrong and the guy was a great person. This is an issue that we see everyday walking
to class and it needs to be changed.
Why do we
judge people? What makes someone better
or worse than us? Is it the their
clothes, hair, accessories, demeanor?
Even worse is that their skin color, physical shape? Whatever the reason may be it is grossly
wrong. I can say I am guilty of judging
people but when I do I am quick to tell myself to throw away that
judgment. If everyone was the same the
world would be a boring place to live. I
love seeing different people and how they approach and live life. One of my best friends is a kid named Matt
Lidel. I had classes with him in the
past but had never really talked because I had judged him based on his
appearance. I was assigned to do a
project with him and say I wasn’t bummed would be a lie. We awkwardly talked about the assignment
until he cracked a joke that was hysterical.
As we talked more I realized how much I liked his personality and just
who he was. We hung out more and more
and became extremely close. My friends
had judged him just like me so I decided to introduce him to my friends. They soon came to the same conclusion that he
was a great person. People need to
accept people for who they are and not judge anyone.